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Our Organization:

Cascade Housing Association was formed in 1993 as a public benefit corporation with a mission to provide affordable housing for income qualified residents in the western United States. Shortly after its organization, Cascade Housing Association was granted charitable non-profit status by the Internal Revenue Service. The Board of Directors of the organization oversees the non-profit in its mission to provide excellent rental housing to deserving income qualified persons across a wide region.

The organization works closely with lenders, corporate investors, state, city and other local government agencies to create housing. Cascade contracts with professional property management companies, to offer on-site management and maintenance at every apartment community. In addition to the housing, resident services and amenities are provided at Cascade’s properties, tailored to meet the needs of the community. Examples of this include outdoor space ranging from playgrounds and basketball courts, to barbecue grills and swimming pools at select locations. Interior spaces are complemented with community gathering rooms, and, at certain locations, we work with local Head Start operators and provide separate buildings for those programs.





Rodger Terrall, President
Mildred Burke
Connor Beckley
Brenda Hansen
Tyler Mack
Jorge Elizalde
Lida Herburger

Kristi Isham, Executive Director
Denni Ragsdale, Chief Operating Officer
Nancy Humble, Accounting
Cindy Ketchum, Administration

Past members:
Constance Beckley, In Memorium
Joan Laughlin, Vice-President
Stan James, M.D., In Memorium